Reuse of yeasts: Viability and yeast vitality

The reuse of yeasts requires particular attention to recovered cell efficiency, in order to ascertain just how much sediment is required to achieve suitable fermentation for the type of beer you are looking to produce.

Determining viability, the number of live cells in yeast sediment available for reuse, is a solution to this problem, but it will be not enough.

It is important to assess recovered yeast in terms of VITALITY.

Vitality analysis indicates yeast cell health, enabling us to ascertain to what extent cells are capable of feeding and reproducing so that alcoholic fermentation can take place.

Therefore, yeast vitality must be determined.

Acidification Power Test

The procedure for determining this parameter according to the recognised method, the acidification power test (AP TEST), is laborious and time consuming, it requires specific equipment requiring regular calibration, or which is only available in well-equipped chemistry laboratories used by trained personnel.

CDR BeerLab® for the determination of yeast vitality

This is why the CDR BeerLab® has been developed for determining vitality.

This method does not require any calibration or use of personnel specialised in laboratory techniques.

Test tubes are pre-filled with reagents in required quantities, ready for use.

The result is obtained by simple photometer readings.

The method is strongly correlated with the AP TEST, as established by the study carried out by the international reference laboratory Campden BRI, and provides results in acidification power.

Therefore the CDR BeerLab® method for determining is simple to use, provides rapid results, is reliable and usable by any operator directly at the brewery on the production line.

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The importance of proper yeast recovery